Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kegerator Construction Update

I have been (not really) working on building a six tap kegerator out of an old chest freezer that I picked up on eBay. When it is completed it will have four CO2 beer taps for dispensing either homebrew or commercial beer from kegs. There will also be one nitro-mix stout dispensing faucet and one dedicated soda faucet for homemade rootbeer and such.

Since my spending money is low and building a kegerator is really expensive, I am installing just two taps for now and will continue expanding this project later on as time and funding permit.

I just finished wiring up my Ranco digital temperature controller. I plugged in the freezer and set the controller temp and listened to the triumphant sound of the compressor kicking on.

Now I'm off to Westy's to buy some beer to put in this thing!


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